Highlighted in the Biological Research Information Center (BRIC)
09.22.2014 Joo's work was highlighted in the Biological Research Information Center (BRIC) in Korea.

Biomedical Picture of The Day
The "blood cleaner" image was published in Biomedical Picture of The Day (BPoD).|

A blood cleansing device to treat sepsis
Blood-cleansing biospleen device was developed for sepsis therapy and published in Nature Medicine (http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/vaop...
Invited to talk at the 2014 Annual Fall Meeting of the Korean BioChip Society
09.10.2014 Joo Kang is invited to give a podium presentation at the 2014 Annual Fall Meeting of the Korean BioChip Society that will be...

Celebrating our new papers!
Celebrating our new papers published in Nature Medicine and Nature Biotechnology, recently (2014) The photos representing TLP...
Selected as a Top Candidate for the SLAS Innovator Award
12.18.2014 Dr. Joo Kang has been selected as a TOP CANDIDATE for the SLAS Innovator Award at SLAS2015 in Washington, DC.
Highly Cited Paper" in Essential Science Indicators (Web of Science)
09.10.2014 Kang's paper (Lab Chip, 2012, 12(12), 2175-2181) was selected as a "Highly Cited Paper" in Essential Science Indicators (Web...
Received the Baxter Young Investigator Award 2014
08.04.2014 Joo Kang was selected to receive the Baxter Young Investigator Award 2014. The Awards ceremony will be held in the Baxter R&D...
Young Frontiers in Bio and Brain Engineering
Joo Kang gives a seminar in the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering at KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, November 20, 2013. (invited as one of...