TMB group featured in UNIST Magazine
The TMB members appeared in UNIST Magazine this month. You can learn more here.

Su Hyun receives Asan Foundation Scholarship
Su Hyun is awarded a prestigious scholarship granted from Asan Foundation. Asan Foundation scholarships (Biomedical Science section) are...

2019 UNIST Commencement
Congratulations to Su Hyun, Amanzhol, and Thao on your graduation. Su Hyun will continue to study in the TMB group at UNIST as a Ph.D....

microTAS 2018 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Soo Hyun, Seyong, and Joo Hun attended the Twenty Second International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences...

Amanzhol Kurmashev, Winner of The Best Podium Presentation Award at The KBCS Conference in Jeju
Amanzhol Kurmashev, a graduate student (Master's degree) in TMB group, gave an oral presentation and received the Best Presentation Award...

UNIST Team Partners with WFIRM & UniBasel for Developing Organ Mimetic Microsystems
The multidiciplinary research groups at UNIST team up with Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine and University of Basel to...

Dr. Kwon receives Research Fellow Grant from National Research Foundation of Korea (KNRF)
Dr. Kwon, URS (UNIST Research Scientist) scholar, received a research grant from KNRF, which will support his work for the next three...

Dr. Eujin Um receives WISET-KBCS Young Scientist Award
Eujin Um, Ph.D., a research professor at the School of Life Sciences, UNIST, has been awarded the WISET-KBCS prize for Young Scientists...