2~3일 걸리던 혈액 세균 감염, 이젠 3시간 안에 알아낸다!
우리 연구실과 같은 학과 권태준 교수님, 김하진 교수님 연구실, 그리고 분당서울대학교병원 이재혁 교수님 연구실이 공동연구를 통해 최근 새로운 균혈증 진단방법을 개발하였고 Small Methods에 출판하였습니다. 현재 기술 사업화를 다양한...

박성진, 정수현 학생, Pre-아이코어프로그램 최우수상 수상
우리 연구실 석박통합과정 박성진학생과 박사과정 정수현 학생이 2022년 1월 26일 울산과학기술원 동남권실험실창업혁신단에서 주관한 Pre-아이코어프로그램을 수료하였고 사업화가능 기술을 발표하여 최우수상을 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다.

2021 The Korean BioChip Society Fall Conference at Jeju
Five TMB members attended the 2021 KBCS Fall Conference held in Jeju Shinwha World. Min Seok presented a poster and the work reported in...

Biologically-inspired diagnostic platform for infectious diseases (생체모사 감염 진단법)
Ref : An inflammatory vascular endothelium-mimicking microfluidic device to enable leukocyte rolling and adhesion for rapid infection...

Jieung receives the best podium presentation award at the Korean BioChip International Conference
Jieung gave a podium presentation on his work recently published in Small in the Young Pioneers Session of the Korean Biochip...

Back Cover
Our recent work published in journal Small was selected as a Back Cover article of the issue released on June 10th, 2021 (Vol 17, No. 23,...

Augmented diamagnetophoresis enables robust blood plasma separation
Our recent work reporting diamagnetic blood plasma separation that we pursued in collaboration with Prof. Jeong and Prof. Um in the...

Prof. Seyong Kwon receives Sejong Research Fellowship
Prof. Seyong Kwon won a prestigious research fellowship (Sejong Research Fellowship) granted from Ministry of Science and ICT, which is...

Congratulations to Amanzhol and Thao
UNIST Announced Virtual Commencement Ceremony for Class of 2021. At the ceremony, Amanzhol and Thao received their Master's degrees in...

Phase synchronization of fluid-fluid interfaces
The work led by Prof. Um (former research professor) and Prof. Jeong in Department of Physics has been published in Nature Communication.